Category: Pcos

  • Spotlight on PCOS: Symptoms and Causes Revealed

    PCOS is a widespread condition amongst women of reproductive age. Is it easy to detect PCOS early on? Learn about PCOS symptoms and how it is caused. Doesn’t it seem like every other woman you meet has PCOS? It is rampant and being heralded as a “hidden epidemic”. Before you begin to get in control…

  • Fenugreek for PCOS: Recommended or Rejected?

    Living with diabetes, hypertension or any other chronic disease requires you to do multiple things – track vitals, take medicines & stay on top of your health at all times. If this overwhelms you, switch to Phable – India’s No. 1 BP & Sugar Management App to manage your condition better. Take charge of your…

  • PCOS Facial Hair: Why it Happens and What You Can do

    When you think of PCOS, facial hair is one of the first and most distressing symptoms that come to mind. Read on to know more about PCOS and facial hair. PCOS is difficult enough to live with, and some of its symptoms such as facial hair make it more distressing. What causes PCOS facial hair,…

  • Using Cinnamon for PCOS: Is There Any Truth to the Claims?

    Are you looking for ingredients in your kitchen to help manage PCOS? Can cinnamon be the solution? Know more about the benefits of cinnamon for PCOS. Ever heard of using cinnamon for PCOS!! Can adding a pinch of this warm, sweet, aromatic powder into your food help in the management of PCOS? Learn more about…

  • Is Skipping Good for PCOS? Or Should You Skip it?

    Living with diabetes, hypertension or any other chronic disease requires you to do multiple things – track vitals, take medicines & stay on top of your health at all times. If this overwhelms you, switch to Phable – India’s No. 1 BP & Sugar Management App to manage your condition better. Take charge of your…

  • Is Honey Good for PCOS? How Much and When to Eat, Know Everything Here!

    Your diet is crucial in the management of chronic conditions such as PCOS. Sweet treats are not good for it, but is honey good for PCOS? Let's find out! “Be busy like a bee and sweet like honey!” But isn’t the sweetness harmful in PCOS? Your diet undoubtedly impacts your condition of PCOS. Honey is…

  • Apple Cider Vinegar for PCOS? Is it Effective? Let’s Find Out!!

    Living with diabetes, hypertension or any other chronic disease requires you to do multiple things – track vitals, take medicines & stay on top of your health at all times. If this overwhelms you, switch to Phable – India’s No. 1 BP & Sugar Management App to manage your condition better. Take charge of your…

  • Top 6 Reasons to Choose Dark Chocolate for PCOS

    Living with diabetes, hypertension or any other chronic disease requires you to do multiple things – track vitals, take medicines & stay on top of your health at all times. If this overwhelms you, switch to Phable – India’s No. 1 BP & Sugar Management App to manage your condition better. Take charge of your…

  • PCOS and Diabetes: What You Need to Know About This Worrying Relationship

    How are PCOS and diabetes interlinked? Can PCOS cause diabetes or vice versa? Find out here. Living with PCOS is challenging enough. The looming risk of other chronic diseases adds to the stress. That’s right, you may have heard that once PCOS comes into your life, it is almost inevitable that Type 2 Diabetes will.…

  • The Best Exercises for PCOS Belly Fat: Get, Set, Go!

    Living with diabetes, hypertension or any other chronic disease requires you to do multiple things – track vitals, take medicines & stay on top of your health at all times. If this overwhelms you, switch to Phable – India’s No. 1 BP & Sugar Management App to manage your condition better. Take charge of your…