PCOS Pain and How to Manage It: All You Need to Know

Though not commonly cited as a symptom, pain can affect women dealing with PCOS. What can be the reason behind PCOS pain? Read on to find out.

No matter how big or small your pain is, it matters. You do not have to bear it silently. Take PCOS as an example. Living with it is hard enough. It can be made worse if you are also in pain due to the condition. Learn more about PCOS pain and ways to deal with it.


Does PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Cause Pain?

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a lifelong health condition affecting women, a hormonal disorder in which ovaries produce more than the normal amount of male hormones or androgens, which are usually present in a smaller amount in females. 


As a result of this hormonal imbalance, the ovaries are unable to release eggs (ovulation), which causes irregular menstrual cycles and other PCOS symptoms


The lack of ovulation can also cause numerous small, fluid-filled sacs to develop on the ovaries. These are called ovarian cysts. However, not all women with PCOS have ovarian cysts and the cysts are not a mandatory criterion to be diagnosed with PCOS. 


Ovarian cysts are usually harmless and do not have any specific symptoms. However, in some cases, these cysts can be painful. Hence, if women with PCOS feel pain, it may be due to the ovarian cysts present in these women. Thus, ovarian cysts are the most common cause of PCOS pain. 


Pain due to ovarian cysts (in PCOS or otherwise) may present as PCOS pain symptoms, including: 

Notably, pain most commonly presents as pelvic pain in PCOS. 

How to Manage PCOS Pain?

PCOS pain can be best managed by following the below measures:

  1. For PCOS pain, treatment of the underlying cause, that is PCOS, may be the most effective measure. Management of PCOS with lifestyle changes and medication can help resolve not just PCOS pain, but also other symptoms of PCOS. Eat a balanced diet that contains complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, fibre, and protein. Exercise regularly, starting with at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week. Maintain a healthy weight and take steps to manage stress well. 
  2. Painkillers are often prescribed to relieve painful cramps. If you are facing pain every time you menstruate, or you have been diagnosed with PCOS and experience pain, speak to a doctor about taking painkillers. It is not advisable to take painkillers without consulting a doctor first. 
  3. Applying heating pads on the affected area can help improve blood circulation, relax the muscles, and ease the pain.


Don’t Have Time To Read?

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder affecting women. In PCOS, the ovaries produce a higher than normal amount of androgens, leading to problems with ovulation, irregular menstrual cycles, and other PCOS symptoms. 
  • The lack of ovulation can also cause numerous small, fluid-filled sacs to develop on the ovaries. These are called ovarian cysts and are found in some women with PCOS. In some cases, these cysts can be painful. 
  • Ovarian cysts are the most common cause of PCOS pain, whose symptoms include lower abdominal pain, cramps on one or both sides of the pelvis, dull ache in the lower back and thighs, pain during sex, and painful periods.
  • PCOS pain can be best managed by following the below measures:
  • PCOS pain can be managed by treating the underlying cause (PCOS), taking painkillers after consulting a doctor, and applying heating pads on the affected area.
  • Start your PCOS management journey with Phable. Use the Phable Care App to consult India’s leading gynaecologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists, and dieticians; order medicines; book lab tests; and get real-time remote care from the comfort of your home. Check out our store to order healthy treats, weighing scales, fitness bands, and more! We also have a PCOS Management program that provides ‎360º care. 

Friendly Asked Questions

Does PCOS cause breast pain?

Yes, with PCOS, breast pain can be a symptom. The imbalanced hormones during PCOS can cause breast tenderness, which can be the cause of breast pain. Ovarian cysts, which may be present in women with PCOS, can also be the reason behind breast tenderness and pain. 

What does PCOS pain feel like?

PCOS pain is usually the result of ovarian cysts. The pain can feel like pressure or mild pain that persists over time. It can also feel like sudden and severe pain in case of a cyst rupturing or be accompanied by nausea and vomiting in case of a cyst causing the twisting of an ovary.

Can PCOS cause back pain?

Yes, with PCOS, back pain is a possibility. Ovarian cysts in PCOS can cause lower back pain if they grow to a larger size.

Can a woman with a healthy weight have PCOS pain?

While most women with PCOS are obese or overweight, in some cases, it is possible to have PCOS despite having a healthy weight. And if such women have ovarian cysts, they could result in PCOS pain.

Which of the PCOS symptoms usually results in pain?

Lack of ovulation is among the most common symptoms of PCOS. The lack of ovulation can also cause numerous small, fluid-filled sacs to develop on the ovaries. These are called ovarian cysts. While ovarian cysts are usually harmless, they can result in pain in some cases.  

Can symptoms of PCOS like excessive hair growth and acne result in pain?

Common symptoms of PCOS like excess hair growth and acne are not necessarily known to result in pain. Acne problems for some women with PCOS can flare up, resulting in bacteria causing infection deep beneath the skin’s surface which can be painful.

Does PCOS pain go away?

PCOS pain is usually caused due to ovarian cysts that may be present in women with PCOS. It may go away by taking painkillers on the advice of a doctor or by applying a heating pad to the affected area. However, treating the root cause of the pain, that is PCOS, can take care of the PCOS pain for a longer duration.