Tag: BP Monitor

  • Understanding How Chronic Stress Can Cause Hypertension

    Contents: Cold sweats and palpitations are the pesky symptoms that many of you may associate with stressful situations. In the short term, it may just be a normal, albeit annoying, response to a challenging situation. But continued bouts of stress can cause high blood pressure, and eventually, hypertension. And before you start stressing about your…

  • Hypertension Patients – Here Are The 5 Best Tips For Your Summer Health! 

    Contents: As the temperature rises, hypertension patients everywhere start worrying too. With increased sweating and humidity, most people tend to get dehydrated and lose essentials salts like Potassium and sodium. The hot weather can also lower blood pressure, which can be problematic in some patients. But it is possible for hypertension patient to keep themselves…

  • 5 Commonly Ignored Hypertension Symptoms and Signs to Watch Out For

    Contents: We all know the telltale symptoms of hypertension – racing heart, blood in the urine, and even splitting headaches. But there are minor symptoms that could be indicative of bigger problems. From irritability and/or confusion to swollen limbs, these minor symptoms when ignored can lead to serious complications. While complications may arise with age, the…

  • The 9 Best Hypertension Medications, and How They Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure

    Contents: With one in three Indian adults experiencing some form of hypertension, this lifestyle disease has become much more common that one would imagine. The biggest problem with hypertension is often that it’s symptoms go unnoticed, and patients don’t start medication until it’s far too late. Being aware of its symptoms, making any possible lifestyle…

  • Pregnancy and Hypertension: 4 Important Information To Know

    Contents: Pregnancy – a time for joy, anticipation and increased health risks. We don’t mean to put a damper on this happy time. But with the number of pregnancy complications rising every year, it is important to reiterate the magnitude of the risks and encourage pregnant mothers to be proactive.  Gestational diabetes and hypertension are…

  • 10 Hypertension Myths You Probably Would Have Heard

    Contents: “Oh, if you’re suffering from hypertension, you should be feeling the following symptoms..” Or “I’m way too young to be hypertensive”  Or even, “I come with a family history of hypertension. I might as well live a little before I start seeing hypertension symptoms.” These are all common excuses that you must’ve heard one…

  • Systolic Vs Diastolic Blood Pressure: What The Numbers Really Mean

    Systolic Vs Diastolic Blood Pressure: What The Numbers Really Mean

    Contents: According to escardio, one in five young adults in India now lives with high blood pressure.  While it was earlier a condition that affected the older demographic, the shift in lifestyle has made high blood pressure a common problem, even among young adults. If you’ve ever had your blood pressure measured, you’d have encountered…