Tag: Diet tips

  • Everything A Diabetes Patient Needs To Know About Eating Fruits

    Contents: With over 77 million people in India affected by diabetes,  most streams of medicine have come up with miracle cures and management guidelines for it. From alternative practices to certain superfoods, there are a lot of popular suggestions. Among the propounders of all these practices, there exists a very strong opinion about fruits; they…

  • Diet Tips: How to Eat Right During the COVID-19 Lockdown

    Diet Tips: How to Eat Right During the COVID-19 Lockdown

    Contents: When faced with an anxious situation like COVID19, there is an obvious solution. Turn to something that gives you comfort. While you can’t snuggle in for a quiet nap with deadlines at your doorstep, the next best thing is to forget all your diet tips and to indulge in your favorite comfort food. While…