Tag: Nutrition

  • Top 5 Sugar Substitutes You NEED to Try Today!

    Looking for a replacement for sugar in your daily diet? We can help! Here is a detailed guide listing healthy sugar substitutes you can choose from. Looking to make a positive change to your diet, but don’t want to give up the sweet treats? Don’t worry, there are plenty of healthy alternatives to sugar that…

  • शुगर में मेथी के फायदे: डायबिटीज में करेगी ये 5 समस्याएं दूर

    क्या आप नैचुरल तरीके से शुगर कण्ट्रोल करना चाहते हैं, तो आजमाइए मेथी का घरेलू नुस्खा। जानिए शुगर में मेथी के फायदे और कैसे करें इसका सेवन। जैसा कि हम सब जानते हैं दुनियाभर में डायबिटीज के केसेस दिन-प्रतिदिन बढ़ रहे हैं। यदि आप भी डायबिटीज के पेशेंट हैं, तो मधुमेह के लिए मेथी का…

  • Female Weight Loss Diet: Is There Such a Thing?

    Female Weight Loss Diet: Is There Such a Thing?

    Are you tired of being bombarded with diet tips from everyone you know? Here’s the only female weight loss diet you’ll need to get in shape. Contents: Are you tired of following the latest and trending diet plans without any results? You’re not alone. Most people, especially women, fail to see a difference with the…

  • छोटी सी कलौंजी हो सकती है बड़ी गुणकारी: जानिए शुगर में कलौंजी के फायदे

    यहां है शुगर में कलौंजी के फायदे से जुड़े कई सवालों के जवाब। तो इन्हें जानने के बाद आप कलौंजी को अपने आहार में शामिल करने से खुद को रोक नहीं पाएंगे। आकार में छोटी दिखाई देने वाली कलौंजी के काले दाने सेहत के लिए बड़े फायदे कर सकते हैं। यह कई स्वास्थ्य स्थिति को…

  • क्या शुगर में चिरायता के फायदे होते हैं? जाने रिसर्च क्या कहता है

    शुगर में चिरायता के फायदे तभी होते हैं, जब इसे सावधानी के साथ लिया जाए। यहां से मधुमेह में चिरायता लेने से जुड़ी पूरी जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। हमारे देश में कई बीमारियों के उपचार और उनके लक्षणों को कम करने के लिए आयुर्वेदिक जड़ी-बूटियों और पेड़-पौधों का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। डायबिटीज को…

  • Millet for PCOS: Is it the Best Way to Manage PCOS?

    Millet is a cereal grain which has gained popularity over the years as it comes with multiple health benefits. Read this blog to know how to have millet for PCOS. Millets, one of the most popularly cultivated grains across the world, seem to have garnered a lot of attention lately. Why? They are packed with…

  • Plan Your Vegan Diet for PCOS: Pure Science and Suggestions!

    Plan Your Vegan Diet for PCOS: Pure Science and Suggestions!

    Vegan diet has gained much popularity recently. It may be beneficial for health in several ways but is the vegan diet for PCOS a good choice? Does it help? “Veganism is the new way of healthy living!” Yes, it’s true that a lot of people are switching from their omnivorous diets to vegan ones. And…

  • Manage Your PCOS Better With the Best Low GI Foods for PCOS

    Manage Your PCOS Better With the Best Low GI Foods for PCOS

    Foods that are low in carbs can help you better manage PCOS symptoms. Can low-GI foods for PCOS help too? How and which ones? Read to know! If you have been diagnosed with PCOS, you know that managing your symptoms can be a real challenge. One of the best ways to help manage your PCOS…

  • Dates for PCOS: Do They Have Any Benefits?

    Dates are sweet treats that most of us can't say no to, but do they have any benefits for PCOS? Let's find out! “Indeed in dates, there is a cure,” says the Quran. Dates have been consumed for millennia, across various cultures, owing to their many nutritional benefits. But when you have PCOS, you may…

  • Good Carbs and Bad Carbs: How Do They Affect Diabetics?

    Good Carbs and Bad Carbs: How Do They Affect Diabetics?

    As a diabetic, you need to be aware of the nutritional content of each and every thing you consume. So when it comes to carbs, which are good and which are bad? In this article, we help you tell the difference. For years now, changing food trends have been alternatively vilifying and glorifying carbs and…